The Process

In general an estate sale is held for 1-4 days in the home. We draw a very large crowd due to our advertising, extensive email list, and abundant signage. Of course every situation is unique and there are always variables but the process is usually as follows...
Schedule an appointment for a “walkthrough”. This is our initial consultation which is at no charge to you. This is the best way for us to get an understanding of how we can best serve you. At this time we will take a brief look at the job at hand, discuss the details of your circumstances, answer any questions, determine a timeline, get an overall scope of the job and establish a commission rate. Our commission is adjustable on a sliding scale depending on the amount of labor and the average value per item to be sold. Our commission rate typically ranges from 20% - 50%.
If we’re a good fit, we’ll sign a simple contract and get to work!
Stage 1
The first step is basic clean up; discarding of trash, unusable and unsaleable items. We do this methodically step by step, one room at at time including the garage, patios, etc. Sometimes this takes hours sometimes days, we've seen it all! Never delay calling us due to condition of the home. We are professionals, we're here to solve problems and expedite the process moving forward.
Stage 2
Next we go through room by room and merchandise all the items for sale. We create a store environment in the home to maximize viewing and sales. We provide tables, shelving, clothing racks & other equipment as needed.
Stage 3
After everything is clean & set up we photograph, research and price items. Sale announcement, images and descriptions are posted online, Email notice is sent to our extensive client list and the frenzy begins...
Stage 4
The Sale usually begins with a line of people waiting at the door. We maintain a fun and controlled shopping environment; only allowing about 15 people in an average home at any time. We have a professional experienced staff to manage any size estate sale confidently and securely.
After the last day of the sale and there have been 300-500 people in your home it is usually best to donate remaining items.
We use New Unto Others in Glendora, they are a tried and true part of our team providing an efficient and effective clean out. Our clients will receive a tax receipt for donated items.
We settle payment promptly! Usually within 3 business days of sale's end.
We are also licensed Realtors with Podley Properties with 20 years experience. Many clients are relieved by the stress and money saved by hiring us to handle the sale of the home as well as the contents. Our services include staging and supervising the preparation of home for sale; all with no extra charge.